Retail Media Breakfast Seminar

November 28, 2023

Retail media is like a fancier version of targeted advertising, seen as the next big thing in digital advertising. It's a significant improvement from traditional ad networks.

This new way of advertising allows brands to have a stronger impact by running strategic campaigns directly within the channels of retailers. This means they can connect with customers more personally when customers are about to make a purchase.

For many companies, adding retail media to their advertising strategy could open up a new way to make money. This could boost their overall income and make them more profitable.

Last Thursday, we had a breakfast seminar with ARC and Salesforce where we talked in-depth about Retail Media. The goal was to explain why it’s good for both advertisers and retailers and share tips on how to get started in this dynamic field.

We had speakers like Niklas Nikolaidis from ARC, Martin Lindahl from Salesforce, and Fredrik Holmvik from Visual Art, each sharing their unique perspectives on Retail Media.

The seminar ended with an interesting Q&A session where participants could ask questions and get more insights.

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