Take-aways from Kjøpesenterkoneransen

April 3, 2024

On the 13th and 14th of March, the Norwegian retail industry came together for the Kjøpesenterkonferansen. The event focused on discussing current trends and innovations in the field. Among the speakers was Andreas Lind, a Retail Media strategist at Visual Art. He shared his extensive knowledge of Retail Media with the attendees and below are his thoughts on this year's conference.

What message did Visual Art want to convey at the conference?

– Visual Art’s message at the conference was to encourage everyone to embrace Instore Retail Media. The company firmly believes that Instore Retail Media is a crucial part of the future of retail. Visual Art considers this area to be neglected despite high demand from the market. The company is confident that Instore Retail Media will continue to grow and is a perfect opportunity for anyone wanting to increase their visibility, improve customer experience, and boost sales.

What are your takeaways?

– At the conference, I noticed that most of the attendees were not familiar with Retail Media and were not using it. The few who were exploring it were doing so through their digital platforms. Although there was a lot of interest, the lack of knowledge and organizational resources were limiting its adoption.

What trends and opportunities from this year’s Kjøpesenterkonferansen will you be bringing with you?

– I took away many key points from the conference, but the one that stood out to me the most is that customer experience remains a top priority. With the current economic downturn, many businesses are struggling with lower profitability. Considering this, it is even more crucial to attract customers to physical stores and provide them with an elevated experience that is relevant to their needs. And a great solution to achieve this is through Retail Media.

Do you want to know more about how InStore Retail Media can elevate your business?

Reach out to Andreas Lind today!

Andreas Lind

Retail Media Strategist
