The day began with business updates, strategic presentations, and awards for top-performing countries. Although we couldn’t attend the award ceremony, it was a great start to the event.

In the afternoon, attendees split into two groups. One group visited the Vendor Expo Hall, where we proudly exhibited as the sole digital signage provider among 36 global vendors.

Additionally, we participated in the Circle K Experience Store, showcasing the best store and forecourt elements. Here, we presented our digital coffee screens, campaign screens above kiosk shelves, and digital menu boards, highlighting our role as Circle K’s chosen partner for digital signage content and digital signage software.

Signage Player was a key highlight, offering numerous benefits such as simplified content updates, live screen monitoring, and significant cost savings. Our cloud-native Digital Signage Software empowers users with complete control over content and scheduling, making digital signage management more efficient and user-friendly.

Our participation was well-received, and we forged many new connections.

– “We are incredibly proud to be part of Circle K’s global growth and customer experience, as well as their commitment to operational efficiency”, says Sofie Norrmén Uppfeldt, Business Director at Visual Art

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Every month, we’re publishing Signage Spotlight. Your go-to monthly newsletter designed to guide you through the dynamic world of digital signage.

Whether you’re a marketing professional or a business leader, our curated content aims to inform, inspire, and elevate your digital signage projects

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What’s the latest in Norway regarding our business?

Anne-Mette: We’re seeing a high demand for Digital Signage in Norway, especially in the Quick Service Restaurant (QSR), fashion retail, and convenience sectors.

There’s a growing awareness around Retail Media and the use of larger formats like LED screens. Customers seek strategic consulting and content production to ensure maximum impact and engagement from their Digital Signage networks. Producing a high ROI and a strong business case is crucial for retailers before investing.

What are the top trends within Digital Signage in Norway?

Anne-Mette: The top trends we’re observing in Norway are:

  1. Retail Media: Leveraging digital signage for advertising and promotions within retail environments.
  2. LED screens: A significant shift towards bigger and more vibrant LED displays.
  3. Strategic consulting: An increasing demand for expert advice to optimize Digital Signage strategies.
  4. Flexible and reliable digital signage software: A growing interest in robust software solutions that offer flexibility and reliability for managing digital content.

What’s the latest around Visual Art in Norway?

Anne-Mette: Exciting times for us at Visual Art Norway! We’ve recently moved our office to a central location in Oslo to be closer to our customers. We’ve also welcomed Mikael Wigart as our new Business Manager to help grow our business further. We’re looking to hire even more talented individuals soon to support our continuous growth in Norway.

Are there any new clients?

Anne-Mette: Yes! We’re thrilled to have Megaflis as a new customer. They’re using our LCD and LED screens in their stores and our digital signage software Signage Player to communicate in-store campaigns, brand awareness, and relevant customer information.

Biltema is another relatively new client, using our Signage Player software to optimize their digital menu board and campaign communication in their restaurant areas.

Are there any specific old or new clients, cases, or other highlights you want to mention?

Anne-Mette: We’re currently working on a strategic content project with Jordbærpikene. This project aims to increase sales and enhance the guest experience, which is a fantastic opportunity for us to showcase the impact of well-planned digital content.

Monthly Newsletter: Signage Spotlight

Every month, we’re publishing Signage Spotlight. Your go-to monthly newsletter designed to guide you through the dynamic world of digital signage.

Whether you’re a marketing professional or a business leader, our curated content aims to inform, inspire, and elevate your digital signage projects

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Do you want to know more about Visual Art Norway?

Reach out to Anne-Mette today!

Let’s explore why cloud-native digital signage software is vital for modern businesses.

Cloud-native software is designed specifically to run in the cloud, utilizing cloud computing environments to their fullest extent. Unlike traditional software, which might be hosted on local servers or only partially integrated with the cloud, cloud-native applications are optimized for flexibility, scalability, and continuous improvement. This architecture provides a range of advantages that conventional software solutions can’t match.

Swift and Seamless Updates

One of the most significant benefits of cloud-native digital signage software is the ability to deploy new features and updates quickly and without disruption.

– “The cloud-native structure allows us to deploy new features swiftly and seamlessly. We can introduce small code updates without impacting other parts of the system or our customers, enabling us to roll out new code within a couple of days”, says our Lead Developer Mattias Westlund.

This means your digital signage solution always stays current with the latest features, security patches, and improvements, all without lengthy downtime or disruptions. In a fast-paced market, this agility can make a substantial difference in maintaining a competitive edge.

Enhanced Scalability

Cloud-native digital signage software is inherently scalable. Whether you need to add more screens, handle increased content load, or expand to new locations, a cloud-native approach ensures your digital signage solution can grow with your business. Traditional digital signage software often requires significant investment in new hardware and infrastructure to scale up, but with cloud-native solutions, you can effortlessly adjust your resources based on demand.

Improved Reliability and Performance

The cloud offers robust reliability and performance benefits that are hard to match with on-premises solutions. Cloud-native digital signage software can leverage the vast infrastructure of cloud providers, ensuring high availability, redundancy, and disaster recovery capabilities. This means fewer worries about server crashes, data loss, or performance bottlenecks, allowing you to focus on delivering content to your audience.


Operating and maintaining on-premises servers can be expensive and resource-intensive. Cloud-native digital signage software reduces these costs by utilizing cloud infrastructure, where you only pay for the resources, you use. This model lowers the initial investment and offers predictable operating expenses, making budgeting easier and more accurate.

Enhanced Security

Security is a top concern for any business, and cloud-native digital signage software provides robust security measures to protect your data. Cloud providers invest heavily in security, offering advanced encryption, compliance certifications, and continuous monitoring. By leveraging these security features, you can ensure your digital signage solution is protected against threats and vulnerabilities.

Choosing cloud-native digital signage software is a strategic decision that offers numerous benefits for businesses. From swift updates and enhanced scalability to improved reliability, cost-effectiveness, security, and simplified management. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, a cloud-native approach ensures your digital signage system remains agile, resilient, and ready to meet the demands of tomorrow.

Are you looking to future-proof your digital signage solution?

Embracing cloud-native digital signage software is a smart move that will keep you ahead of the competition and enable you to deliver exceptional experiences to your audience.

Do you want to know more about Signage Player?

Talk to our Chief Revenue Officer, Andreas Ström, today!

Visual Art grundades som ett produktionsbolag specialiserade på avancerad 3D redan 1997. När man 10 år senare installerade den första digitala menytavlan på McDonald’s i Sverige gav man sig på allvar in i branschen för digital signage. Då kände få till begreppet och ännu färre förstod eller hanterade tekniken. I dag omsätter branschen runt 52 miljarder USD globalt och tillväxten spås till över sju procent årligen. En minst sagt mogen bransch och ett självklart inslag på restauranger, butiker och offentliga ytor.

Sverige har alltid legat långt fram i utvecklingen av digitala ytor. Såväl vad gäller teknik som innehåll. När resten av världen nu är på väg att komma i kapp fortsätter Sverige och Visual Art att spela en nyckelroll. Men nu ligger fokus mer på mjukvara.

Mjukvara alltmer viktig

Mjukvaran får en alltmer central roll i takt med att fler företag väljer digitala ytor. Det handlar om allt från styrning till uppdatering och anpassning av innehållet på skärmarna. En lätt sak när det handlar om några platser. En helt annan när det är tusentals skärmar i olika länder. Visual Art ger genom sin unika lösning kunderna möjlighet att kommunicera med sin målgrupp när- och varsomhelst med budskap som kan bytas i realtid.

Pontus Meijer, VD på Visual Art, förklarar det stora fokuset på den egna mjukvarulösningen Signage Player: ”Digitala ytor har inte bara blivit en självklarhet för många, utan det är även en nödvändighet för framtida stora områden som exempelvis retail media. Den butiks- eller restaurangkedja som inte utnyttjar tekniken fullt ut kommer missa en stor potentiell intäktskälla. Men, i takt med att tekniken blivit enklare och mer likriktad i branschen handlar det alltmer om smarta och effektiva lösningar för att hantera innehållet.”

Genom att vara helt ”cloud-native” är Signage Player en unik lösning på marknaden i dag och kan i princip kopplas ihop med vilket annat system som helst. Pontus Meijer fortsätter: ”Vi är helt plattformsoberoende vilket är en stor konkurrensfördel. Det spelar helt enkelt ingen roll vilken typ av skärmleverantör kunderna vill visa sin information på, eller för den delen vilken typ av system de har i bakgrunden för att få fram informationen. Vår lösning fungerar oavsett vad och kan integreras med deras andra system.”

Stort intresse för affären framåt

Målet för Visual Art är nu att öka antalet mjukvarulicenser från dagens runt 100 000 till över 300 000. Det har väckt intresse såväl i branschen som hos investerarna. Pontus Meijer utvecklar: ”Att röra sig mot att i huvudsak bli en SaaS-leverantör har uppenbarligen träffat rätt hos såväl analytiker som investerare. Vi har helt enkelt hamnat helt rätt i vår strategi framåt.”

Som ytterligare ett bevis att Signage Player uppfyller kundlöftet blev Visual Art just belönade med första pris på branschens största mässa i kategorin Software & Platforms. Ännu ett bevis för att Sverige, med Visual Art i spetsen, fortsätter att sätta avtryck och driva på marknaden för digitala ytor långt utanför landets gränser.

We’re seeing an increase in the use of provocation to cut through the noise everywhere. While these tactics undoubtedly succeed in grabbing attention, it is essential to ask: what comes after the initial shock value wears off?

Provocation works well as a hook. Brands can capture attention in a cluttered environment by leveraging shock, humour, or controversy. However, attention should not be mistaken for engagement. True engagement involves creating a deeper connection with the audience and influencing consumer behaviour over time. While provocative copy can attract eyeballs, it doesn’t necessarily convert into long-term brand equity unless it is part of a broader, strategic approach.

Nike’s Campaign with Colin Kaepernick

Consider Nike’s use of Colin Kaepernick in their advertising. Unlike mere attention-grabbing tactics, Nike’s campaign was deeply rooted in the brand’s longstanding values of courage, perseverance, and advocacy within the sports community. This campaign did more than just capture attention; it resonated with Nike’s core customer base and reinforced the brand’s identity and values, which are about much more than sports apparel. They are about taking a stand.

For brands considering a provocative approach, the risks are considerable. A campaign that misfires can lead to backlash, boycotts, and brand damage. However, when done right and aligned with the brand’s core values, as seen with Nike, it can enhance brand loyalty and affirm customer identity with the brand, translating into long-term sales and brand strengthening.

After the Initial Shock

The challenge for marketers using provocative strategies is to leverage the initial attention into a sustained engagement strategy. Brands need to think beyond the initial shock and consider how these tactics fit into the larger brand narrative. Is the provocation sparking meaningful conversations? Does it align with the brand’s values and long-term goals?

The reason why adding words such as “F*CK” into your text grabs attention is because it’s different. All other copy is quite similar leading to semantic satiation, where repeated exposure to phrases causes them to lose impact over time. But what will happen when we are getting used to provocative words? It’ll also disappear in the noise the initial powerful impact of provocative language wears off, rendering the strategy less effective. This highlights the importance of evolving campaign strategies to maintain engagement.

Implement Provocation Wisely

If you feel the need to use provocative elements, do it wisely and ensure they are always backed by a deeper, strategic brand message. Without this, even the most attention-grabbing campaign will fail to achieve a lasting impact. For provocation to be genuinely effective, it must be a strategic choice that reinforces the brand’s values and deepens customer engagement. Nike serves as a prime example of how integrating deep emotional values with provocative marketing can elevate a brand well beyond the immediate reaction, crafting a narrative that resonates long after the initial buzz fades.

A challenge and opportunity for brands in the provocative age of marketing.

Do you want to know more?

The people at our Design Studio are experts at creating content that captivates.

Reach out to our Chief Design Officer, Pelle Mets Höök today to see how we can help cut through the noise.

If we start with your panel discussion, how did it go?

The panel I was on was about the fact that there are a lot of platforms, systems and solutions in the industry. When you add layers of terms and abbreviations, it quickly becomes a complex puzzle to understand how everything connects. As always with panel discussions, it’s a bit challenging to predict and control the direction. In this one, we got a bit sidetracked by the issue some players face with software and hardware compatibility. While an interesting topic, it’s not something we experience as a problem since our player software works seamlessly across all operating systems.

Overall, it was great to see software gaining so much focus in the discussion. It was also extremely gratifying to win an award for Signage Player after impartial analyses of the largest CMS on the market. I had the chance to talk a lot about our new cloud-native Signage Player and the numerous benefits it offers. I can confidently say that we are at the forefront with a significant technical lead. The new Signage Player has all the prerequisites to succeed in the market, and it’s clear that customers are beginning to realize the absolute advantages we offer. It felt great to have this confirmed on site.

What will you take home with you in terms of insights about the industry as a whole?

This was my first time at DSS, and my main takeaway is the sheer size of our industry. The world around digital signage is expanding rapidly with more stakeholders involved. Overall, I had very rewarding and interesting discussions with many industry colleagues.

The industry’s growth is evident in the emergence of many niche players focusing on specific parts of the value chain. I think we’ll see even more development in this direction, particularly regarding the integration between different software and hardware management.

How does Visual Art stand in this development?

I might be biased, but the fact is, we are well ahead and well-prepared. As I mentioned, the new version of Signage Player is perhaps the most advanced on the market. It’s becoming increasingly important to quickly integrate various APIs to link different systems for different purposes. In this area, our solution not only simplifies the process but also enhances efficiency beyond what our competitors offer.

If there’s one standout takeaway from DSS for me, it’s a deep sense of pride in our ability to fulfill our customer promises. We are far ahead in terms of technical implementation and knowledge. Coupled with our strategic know-how, the future looks very bright for Visual Art from my perspective.

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73 000

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Our digital signage software Signage Player is the global powerhouse behind digital signage.




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To delve deeper into this success, we sat down for lunch with key project leaders Mattias Westlund and Simon Ciesluk and new hire Christian Nylund to discuss their vision and the work behind the new platform.

Why build completely new software?

“Rebuilding our software from scratch was a bold step, especially since our existing proprietary system was performing well and still appreciated by many customers,” Mattias explains. He saw substantial benefits in shifting to a fully cloud-native platform, sparking the project’s initiation. “It took years of development before I felt we had solid footing to justify the internal effort required. Looking back, it was the right decision,” he adds.

Christian, who has an extensive background in managing complex IT projects, particularly in the banking sector, shares his perspective: “Starting from zero is daunting but often necessary. Systems tend to be slower to work with over time, and with a significant tech shift underway, it was the perfect time for Visual Art and Signage Player to make this transition. For me, it meant a chance to work with the latest technology, which was a key factor in my decision to join the company.”

Maintaining User Familiarity Amidst Major Changes

Simon addresses the user experience: “We aimed to minimize disruption for daily system users, keeping the front-end as familiar as possible. We managed to achieve this without significant adaptations.”

Enhanced Speed and Flexibility

The new Signage Player has introduced profound changes at every level, primarily in how updates, testing, and new features are implemented. “The cloud-native structure allows us to deploy new features swiftly and seamlessly. We can introduce small code updates without impacting other parts of the system or our customers, enabling us to roll out new code within a couple of days,” Mattias points out.

Simon highlights the performance improvements: “The entire system runs more efficiently. For example, updating several thousand screens across different countries is now simpler, more secure, and significantly faster.”

Future-Proof Technology

Looking forward, the new Signage Player promises extensive adaptability, particularly with emerging technologies like AI-driven content. “Our platform can now seamlessly integrate as an API with customers’ internal systems, acting as a direct conduit to their screens,” Mattias notes, emphasizing the potential for future integration with creative content and retail media solutions.

Internal and External Benefits

Christian reflects on the broader implications: “Joining Visual Art was driven by their embrace of cutting-edge technology and their forward-thinking approach. This initiative is crucial for attracting new talent and customers.”

As Visual Arts continue to transition its existing customer base to the new platform, the unexpected win of the invidis Strategy Award has been a welcome affirmation. “The immediate recognition post-launch underscores the strategic foresight of our development and confirms that we now have the most advanced and effective software on the market,” concludes Mattias.

Want to get a free demo of Signage Player?

Talk to our Chief Revenue Officer Andreas Ström today!

Step into any Lyko store and you’ll witness a seamless transition from online excellence to in-store enchantment. Digital displays show trending beauty products and sync your mobile device with their app to offer personalized recommendations based on your online browsing history. This integration ensures that the journey which might have started on a smartphone continues effortlessly as you walk through Lyko’s doors.

To dive deeper into Lyko’s innovative approach, we asked Malin Lazar, Head of Concept and Visual Development, at Lyko, a couple of key questions about staying ahead in the ever-evolving world of retail.

With the rapid pace of technological and retail trends, how does Lyko stay ahead of the competition in incorporating innovations into the customer experience?

– We constantly work to monitor new trends and the world around us. We come from a technological world that later became physical. It’s in our DNA to work in the digital world. I think that’s a big advantage.

How do you ensure that the digital content on your digital displays complements the physical shopping experience rather than overwhelming it?

– We work with what is relevant here and now. What’s trending on social media and incorporate the content and physical product into a nice mix. We are very careful about what and where we communicate our various messages.

Can you share an example of how digital signage has impacted customer experience, behaviour, or sales?

– An example is our so-called social media walls, where each country works with what is trending in their country, the customer finds the physical products right next to the screen so they can squeeze, feel and smell. We also collaborate with various influencers who show their specific skin care routine and there you can find the physical products to experience them in real life. This makes it easy for customers to immediately be inspired and find their favorite product.

Lyko leverages digital displays to streamline and elevate the shopping experience by making it more interactive and informative.

The impact?

Customers spend more time in-store, the transition between online and offline shopping becomes fluid, and overall satisfaction increases. By integrating sophisticated digital signage solutions, Lyko reinforces its brand presence and builds stronger, more connected relationships with its customers.

Follow Visual Art LinkedIn for more updates.

Displays: Samsung Electronics

Do you want to know more about how we can help you bridge your online and physical experience for your customers?

Talk to our Chief Revenue Officer, Andreas Ström, today!

The invidis Strategy Award celebrates the best in digital signage and professional AV solutions. Visual Art’s Signage Player stood out in the Software & Platforms category, recognized for its comprehensive redesign and technological advancements.

“Developing and maintaining a digital signage platform is already a complex endeavor,” noted the invidis judging panel. “Visual Art has taken the bold step of embarking on a total rebuild of their Signage Player, investing over a million euros and dedicating more than a year to its development. The result is a future-proof CMS based on the latest cloud technology stack, tailored to meet the needs of global customers with integrated retail media features and remote deployment capabilities. We are impressed by how well the Visual Art Signage Player CMS performs compared to its competitors in the new invidis Software Compass. Hats off to Visual Art – the invidis Strategy Award 2024 is well deserved.”

– “This award is a significant milestone for Visual Art and underscores our position as leaders in the digital signage industry. It reflects the hard work, dedication, and creativity of our entire tech team. Their relentless pursuit of excellence and innovation has not only set us apart but also propelled our company forward. We are proud to lead the industry and continue to push the boundaries of what digital signage can achieve” says Pontus Meijer, CEO at Visual Art Group

This award not only recognizes the technical excellence of Signage Player but also highlights Visual Art’s strategic approach to leveraging over 15 years of industry experience to innovate and respond to the evolving needs of the market. The transition of the current installed base of 73,000 players to the new software platform is set to complete by the end of the year, marking a significant step forward in providing enhanced value to clients worldwide.

Visual Art remains committed to driving innovation and excellence in digital signage and looks forward to continuing to deliver cutting-edge solutions that meet the dynamic needs of customers around the globe.

Read more about Signage Player here

Do you want to know more and get a free demo?

Talk to our Chief Revenue Officer Andreas Ström today!