How Airports, Shops, and Restaurants Can Make Travellers Happier (and Boost Business)

August 21, 2024

Airports have come a long way from just places to catch a flight. These days, they're bustling mini-cities where travellers shop, eat, and (hopefully) relax before their next journey. With millions of people passing through daily, airports are full of opportunities—and challenges—for everyone involved, from the airport operators to the retailers and restaurants serving travellers.

Let’s break down how each part of the airport ecosystem can better understand what today’s travellers want, the hurdles they face, and the potential to make the experience smoother and more enjoyable.

What Today’s Travellers Are Looking For

Travellers today are more connected and informed than ever before. They want their airport experience to be quick, easy, and a little fun. They don’t just want to get from point A to point B – they’re looking for convenience and comfort along the way.

Think about it: with smartphones in hand, they’re checking flight statuses, looking for the best food options, and maybe even doing a bit of shopping – all while trying to navigate a busy airport. For airports, retailers, and restaurants, this means there’s a lot of pressure to keep things running smoothly, provide helpful information, and offer services that make travellers feel taken care of.

Grabbing Attention in a Busy Space

Shops at airports have a unique challenge. Travellers are often in a rush, which means there’s only a small window to catch their eye and make a sale. Unlike regular stores, airport shops deal with a constantly changing crowd, and most of these people are on the move.

So, how do you stand out in such a fast-paced environment? One solution is using digital signage – those screens you see displaying ads, promotions, or inspiring content. These aren’t just for decoration; they’re powerful tools that can be updated in real-time to show special offers, guide travellers to the store, or highlight products that might appeal to someone about to board a long flight. The key is to keep it simple and relevant – travellers don’t have time for anything too complicated.

With more people expecting to shop seamlessly, many airport retailers are also blending online and offline experiences. Imagine ordering a product from your phone as you wait in the security line and picking it up just before boarding—that’s the kind of convenience that’s becoming the norm.

Serving Good Food, Fast

Eating at the airport isn’t just about grabbing a quick bite anymore. Travelers want good food, and they want it fast. For airport restaurants, this can be tricky. They need to serve quality meals quickly, without making customers feel rushed.

This is where digital menus and self-order kiosks come in handy. They let people see what’s on offer, make their choices, and place their orders – all in a way that speeds things up without sacrificing the experience. Plus, these tools can easily accommodate different languages and dietary preferences, which is a big help in such a diverse setting.

Another trend is the growing demand for healthier food options. Travelers are increasingly looking for fresh, nutritious meals that fit into their busy schedules. This gives restaurants a chance to stand out by offering high-quality, healthy options that don’t take too long to prepare or eat.

Keeping Everything Flowing Smoothly

Running an airport is no small feat, especially when it comes to keeping everything moving smoothly and ensuring travellers have a good experience. Digital signage plays a big role here, too. These screens can provide real-time updates on flights, help people find their way, and even share important safety messages when needed.

But it’s not just about making things easier for travellers. Airports are also finding ways to generate revenue, especially as they look to maximize the use of their space. This is where Digital Out of Home (Dooh) comes in – selling advertising space on those digital displays. It’s a win-win: brands get to reach a captive audience, and airports boost their income.

Opportunities Everywhere

With more focus on improving the passenger experience and the potential for new revenue streams, airports are more than just places to catch flights. They’re becoming destinations, with shops and restaurants that cater to a diverse, on-the-go audience.

For those working in this space, the key to success is understanding the needs of today’s travellers and using the right tools – like digital signage – to meet those needs effectively. By keeping things simple, fast, and relevant, airports, retailers, and restaurants can create a better experience for travellers while boosting their bottom line.

It’s a challenging environment, no doubt, but with the right approach, there’s plenty of room for growth and innovation in making airports a place where people enjoy spending time.

Do you want to know how we can help create Digital Signage solutions for retailers and restaurants at airports?

Reach out to our Chief Revenue Officer, Andreas Ström, today!

Andreas Ström

Chief Revenue Officer