Bluewater Group David Noble

Bluewater Group is working to end the use of single-use plastic bottles

August 22, 2023

Visual Art is beyond proud to work with Bluewater Group, a company on a mission to help people everywhere enjoy cleaner and healthier water as well as deliver purposeful innovation to end the use of single-use plastic bottles.

In this article, Bluewater’s Chief Communications Officer, David Noble, shares the company’s short and long-term objectives, key markets, biggest challenges, and how innovation drives all it offers to B2B customers and consumers alike.

Bluewater was founded in 2016 by Bengt Rittri, a Swedish environmental entrepreneur who is passionate about leaving a better, cleaner, and healthier planet for future generations. He believes clean water is a human right and that we need to end the abomination of single-use plastic bottles, which are destroying our blue planet with microplastics, transport-related air pollution, and chemicals like PFAS.

Bluewater has embedded sustainability and the ending of the need for single-use plastic bottles at the core of its business mission by innovating and bringing cutting-edge water purification and beverage solutions to the market.

David Noble has been a member of the Bluewater team since its start in 2013. In addition to over 50 years of experience working in the media and communications industry, he brings a deep passion for finding progressive solutions to the many environmental issues we face. One of his core beliefs is ‘keep things simple’ – and that means delivering clear, understandable messages that can have a profound impact.

We took the opportunity to sit down and talk to David Noble, to shed more light on Bluewater and its vital mission:

David, with over 50 years of experience in news media such as The Guardian, Daily Mail, and BBC, and as a PR consultant or clients such as Volvo and Electrolux, one might think that you’ve worked enough. What drives and inspires you?

While some people work to live, I live to work! What drives me is the desire to be creative in communicating positive messages and the belief that business can be a real force for good if it chooses to be so.

I’m inspired by beauty – beauty in nature, how we live our lives, and how we treat others. I’m also driven by my children and grandchildren and the belief that they always deserve better.

Additionally, my love for art, music, movie making, and great books empowers me to strive harder, live nicer, and be humble and empathic.

What is Bluewater’s ‘why/reason to exist,’ and how are you driving the change?

Our reason to exist is to create a cleaner, healthier planet by halting the production, transportation, and pollution caused by single-use plastic bottles.

We are driving this change by innovating new products and solutions that allow clean, contamination-free water and beverages to be generated at the point of use, thereby avoiding the need for single-use plastic bottles and their transportation.

What are the short and long-term objectives and key markets?

Bluewater has set its sights on becoming the world’s most planet-friendly beverage company by innovating disruptive water purification technologies for home, work, and play.

Providing hydration solutions that are generated and distributed at the point of use, combined with reusable stainless steel and glass bottles, allows Bluewater to break the stranglehold of single-use plastic bottles and their unnecessary, polluting transportation.

Bluewater products are available to consumers, hotels, and catering operations, as well as event and venue organizations in Europe, the USA, the UK, China, South-East Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.

How are you reaching out?

One example is how we have developed a unique marketing approach designed around our events business, where we help organizers of premium, large events with an ecosystem that enables them to stop selling single-use plastic bottles without losing revenue. Our hydration stations not only deliver clean, great-tasting purified water but also provide a messaging platform that can be commercialized either with static print ‘advertising’ or by harnessing our unique digital signage option, which Visual Art has helped us develop.

Furthermore, our ecosystem involves events selling bespoke sustainable Bluewater bottles that serve both as a means to hydrate and as a ‘collectible’ memento from a specific event.

What are the biggest challenges Bluewater is facing as a company?

Our biggest challenge is managing growth so that we do not exhaust our ability to deliver excellence. We are building a trust brand and that means we must be 100 percent focused on delivering a quality experience all the time.

How are you innovating?

As a solutions company, we are driven by the need to innovate and evolve our value-added beverage and delivery offerings. That’s why we have integrated digital signage options into our hydration stations. It’s a great way to provide our customers with a new way to monetize their hydration offerings.

For more information, talk to our experts, visit or reach out to David Noble on LinkedIn.

Wall of Water Bluewater