SkiStar and Visual Art improve the mountain experience

November 22, 2022

SkiStar is renewing its digital solutions at all ski resorts as part of the company’s multi-billion SEK investment in providing guests with a memorable mountain experience. Hotels, lift queues, and public spaces will get a real digital boost to improve the customer experience, and Visual Art is behind the solution.

Digitizing The Mountain Experience for Skistar

SkiStar has had a digital presence at its ski resorts for many years but has recently reviewed both function and appearance and has now decided on a major digital facelift. The modernization of the digital displays should facilitate and improve for the guests and apply both in the outdoor environment and indoors in hotels, in heat cabins, and other public areas in all destinations.

– This is in every sense a prestige customer for us because it shows our full breadth when it comes to digital solutions. Everything from the strategic design to technology, must withstand tough outdoor environments and content, which must create a magical atmosphere for the guests, says Andreas Ström, Chief Revenue Officer at Visual Art.

Several screen solutions are to be developed and installed ahead of the coming winter season. It is about 100 screens in an indoor environment, mainly in heated cabins, restaurants, and hotels. For the outdoor environment, special solutions are made to cope with the tough weather conditions.

– Among other things, we have run a pilot project up on top of Björnrike 946 m above sea level to guarantee that the technology can handle the challenges on the mountain. That, together with a study during the 2022 high season, where we measured customer flows and needs, has laid the foundation for both a technical solution and placement as well as adaptation of the actual content on the screens, continues Andreas Ström.

Outdoors, around 30 55-inch screens will be placed in the various locations. A couple of these are mounted on specially built wooden scaffolding which should make them easy to move around the system as needed. In addition, 9 larger screens, of 88 inches, are to be mounted in connection with lifts in almost all locations. A 16-square-meter LED solution is also being installed in Lindvallen.

SkiStar has made sure that everyone involved within the company was involved in the planning for the digital uplift.

– For us, it is ultimately about customer benefit, but also finding solutions that work optimally in the business in general. Therefore, everything from the operation as piste and lift staff to the IT and marketing department has been involved and given input and suggestions on what the future solution should look like, says Mathias Lindström, Marketing Director at SkiStar.

Visual Art will take overall responsibility for installation and ongoing support. The work also includes strategic advice regarding content production and developing templates that integrate with existing lift administration as well as the gamification solutions that SkiStar has today. For these solutions, Visual Art’s digital signage platform Signage Player is used.

– This is a large and important project for us at SkiStar as it affects the entire customer experience, regardless of whether you are on or off the slopes. Visual Art has been a reliable partner in the work, and we look forward to being able to inaugurate all the new systems before this year’s peak season, concludes Mathias Lindström at SkiStar.

For more information:

Monika Lindquist, CMO & CCO, Visual Art Group
Tel. +46 72 333 23 83,

Andreas Ström, CRO, Visual Art Group
Tel. +46 72 205 05 13,

About Visual Art Group

Visual Art is a leading digital signage company that delivers end-to-end solutions to clients all over the world.

We always start with why, collecting insights, and designing concepts that create real business value for customers. We take care of the whole value chain from tech solutions, hardware, software, content, and installation to service and support.

By measuring the effect of the solution, we can act as a strategic partner, making sure that the defined KPIs are reached. Whether it is to increase sales, drive customer experience, or sell advertising space to third parties (retail media).

We are doing this by combining our creative expertise, tech innovation, and simple and intuitive digital signage software Signage Player. Visual Art was founded in 1997 and has 130 employees in 7 markets within consulting, tech, concept and design, content production, installation, service, and support to make sure our clients can trust us to deliver a smooth experience.

We are trusted by brands such as McDonald’s, Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, Lego, Joe & the Juice, NIO, Subway, Audi, Circle K, 7-Eleven, and others.

Revenue: 290 MSEK (2022)

Software licenses: 65 000 licenses in 39 countries