How Generative AI is Redefining Resourcefulness

April 18, 2024

In the first article in this series, we concluded that AI is here to stay. And for marketers, it’s especially interesting to look closer at Generative AI. In times of economic downturn, when marketing departments often face budget cuts and reduced resources, AI emerges as a beacon of efficiency.

Read “AI as Marketer’s Creative Sidekick” here.

During these challenging periods, the capabilities of Generative AI become particularly compelling. AI can drive the creative process and stand as a critical ally for lean teams striving to do more with less.

With AI’s advanced algorithms, marketing strategies can be designed and executed with precision and personalization that traditionally would require a larger workforce. By automating routine tasks and generating content at scale, AI helps keep the marketing engine running smoothly, ensuring that even with a smaller team and tighter budget, the quality of engagement and brand presence doesn’t just maintain, but thrives.

Generative AI thus offers a dual advantage in tough times: it empowers marketers to maximize their existing resources while opening avenues for innovation that keep businesses competitive.

While many might not agree with that statement, we should all agree that AI holds tremendous potential for marketers, offering a range of applications that can revolutionize marketing strategies. Some of these are:

Creative Content Generation

Generative AI enables the automated creation of engaging and personalized content at scale. Marketers can leverage generative AI to generate product descriptions, social media posts, and email subject lines. Or even entire ad campaigns tailored to individual customer preferences.

Design and Visuals

Generative AI algorithms can generate visually appealing designs, logos or graphics that align with a brand’s identity. This streamlines the creative process and empowers marketers to experiment with various visual elements quickly.

Personalization and Targeting

Generative AI models can analyze vast amounts of customer data to create personalized marketing assets. By understanding customer preferences, generative AI can dynamically generate content that resonates with individuals on a deeper level, enhancing customer engagement and conversion rates.

Campaign Optimization

Generative AI can optimize marketing campaigns by automatically testing and refining content variations. By analyzing data on customer responses and interactions, generative AI can identify the most effective messaging, visuals, or CTAs to maximize campaign performance.

AI is already in use, in more ways than you know

Even if AI has been around for years on years, the technology has exploded in the last year or so. With the introduction of software and services like ChatGPT, Midjourney, and DALL·E, you no longer need a degree in computer science, but instead anyone can use the tools. And if what you see, so far, is mostly images and text outputs, AI-created music and video are coming fast. Really fast!

In the marketing world, this has been obvious in seeing the first “open AI campaigns” on the market. There have been quite a few examples, among others from giants such as Heinz, McDonald’s, Subway, and Burger King, just to mention a few.

That, however, is only the glossy campaigns that are outspoken AI-creations. And they will mostly disappear when the hype is slowing down. The real work and implementations are happening behind the scenes.

We have for example been working with clients on automatic content adaptation on our digital screens. In the simplest implementation, this means that content is chosen depending on the time of day or weather outside. However, we already see possibilities to also create personalized content for individual customers. The content can of course be created on the fly by the AI.

If the technology around generative AI looks promising today, it will for sure blow our minds shortly.

The future of marketing is being rewritten by AI, and those ready to leverage its full potential will find themselves leading the charge. The question for us all is not if we will step into this new era, but how we will shape its unfolding narrative.

Read our next article “AI as a Supportive Tool for Marketers During Recessions” that will be published April 25.