Visual Art delivers digital signage to Joe & the Juice globally
Visual Art wins another big deal and takes over responsibility for all digital menu boards at Joe & the Juice globally. In an initial stage, it is about 150 restaurants around the world and the deal includes everything from technology to the production of content. The focus is on the unique digital signage software Signage Player, which makes it possible to easily remotely control content on the screens of all connected restaurants.
With over 300 restaurants globally, Joe & the Juice wanted to find a simple solution for digital communication channels with a uniform appearance as well as simplified administration and maintenance. The choice fell on Visual Art which is now, in a first step, updating and taking over control of the digital menu boards in 150 restaurants.
– Previously, we had a mix of suppliers, which was not optimal. Visual Art was best able to deliver everything from digital signage software to content production, and customized templates and we look forward to rolling out our new menus across the entire chain going forward, says Kasper Schyberg, Concept Development Director at Joe & the Juice.
The deal includes hardware, digital signage software, support, and content production from Visual Art’s own Design Studio. The digital signage software is Visual Art’s own, and the unique Signage Player makes it possible to play all content directly through the screens’ own software. In addition, the solution provides an opportunity for completely centralized control and administration as everything is connected.
– One of our goals with this new solution is to be able to be even faster in adapting our range and also what is visible on the menu boards. This can also differ between countries as well as restaurants, which is why it makes it enormously easier to be able to control the content centrally, Kasper Schyberg continues.
– With as many restaurants as Joe & the Juice has, it is normally challenging to find one and the same uniform expression on all digital communication channels, especially if, like here, you want to be able to adapt the content locally quickly and efficiently. However, we solve that easily through Signage Player, which also keeps costs down considerably by not needing external media players, says Andreas Ström, Chief Revenue Officer at Visual Art.
The agreement between Joe & the Juice and Visual Art runs in an initial phase of three years – and has a total value of around SEK 10 million.
For more information:
Monika Lindquist, CMO, Visual Art Group
Tel. +46 72 333 23 83, monika.lindquist@visualart.com
Andreas Ström, CRO, Visual Art Group
Tel. +46 72 205 05 13, andreas.strom@visualart.com
About Visual Art Group
Visual Art is a leading digital signage company that delivers end-to-end solutions to clients all over the world.
We always start with why, collecting insights, and designing concepts that create real business value for customers. We take care of the whole value chain from tech solutions, hardware, software, content, and installation to service and support.
By measuring the effect of the solution, we can act as a strategic partner, making sure that the defined KPIs are reached. Whether it is to increase sales, drive customer experience, or sell advertising space to third parties (retail media).
We are doing this by combining our creative expertise, tech innovation, and simple and intuitive digital signage software Signage Player. Visual Art was founded in 1997 and has 130 employees in 7 markets within consulting, tech, concept and design, content production, installation, service, and support to make sure our clients can trust us to deliver a smooth experience.
We are trusted by brands such as McDonald’s, Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, Lego, Joe & the Juice, NIO, Subway, Audi, Circle K, 7-Eleven, and others.
Revenue: 290 MSEK (2022)
Software licenses: 65 000 licenses in 39 countries
Content produced in our Film Studio for the Digital Menu Boards:
Joe & the Juice
Avocado Sandwich
Joe & the Juice
Tuna Bowl